Spectacular Weekend Aurora |
Monday, 16 July 2012 |
We had a spectacular aurora show this weekend, and a few awesome photographers sent in some amazing photos of this July 14/15/16th event. Thanks a lot to Chris Ratzlaff, Eric Frigon, Chris Jones, Mario Margarone and Olivier Du Tre for sharing their photos with us!

Eric Frigon captured this great photo of the aurora as a satellite was going by. To take a look at all of his photos from this event, visit his page at: http://www.efrigon.com/1/post/2012/07/the-northern-lights-071512.html

Chris Ratzlaff managed to get some great shots of the storm just west of Airdrie. To take a look at them, visit his page at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ratzlaff/sets/72157630588838832/with/7576014118/
Chris Jones captured some beautiful images of the aurora at Berg Lake in Mount Robson Provincial Park, BC (Click to enlarge):

Mario Margarone shared his awesome first photo taken of the aurora from Griesbach in Edmonton (Click to enlarge):

Olivier Du Tre took some fantastic photos of the aurora around the Pincher Creek-Waterton area during the July 15/16 aurora (Click to enlarge):
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 17 July 2012 )