Sat 5 Oct 2024 03:23 MDT

Edmonton Weather

Mostly Cloudy
Observed at: Edmonton Int'l Airport 3:00 AM MDT Saturday 5 October 2024
Condition: Mostly Cloudy
Temperature: 6.1°C
Pressure: 100.8 kPa rising
Visibility: 32 km
Humidity: 82 %
Dewpoint: 3.2°C
Wind: NW 21 km/h gust 33 km/h
Air Quality Health Index: 2
]]> Courtesy of Environment Canada

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May 1-2 Aurora Print E-mail
Wednesday, 01 May 2013

We were treated to a show last night for the first time in what feels like ages! It was short, but intense! People managing to be in the right place at the right time were Matt Melnyk, Zoltan Kenwell, Joern Rohde, Chad Steeves, Adam Taber and Kevin Sharman, who have shared some fantastic photos. Thanks to all.



Matt Melnyk sent these awesome images taken just to the south of Edmonton, near the Airport at around 01:30. You can see more of Matts images here:

Matt's Gallery





Zoltan Kenwell sent these great images from last night:

"Well, we had a bit of a rogue event this morning! I was watching data around 8pm and noticed Bz was south for some time, so I geared up and hit the road. The show really started around 12:10am. I imaged till 3:30am and called it a night. Each of these pictures is from a time lapse sequence. I will be working on the video over the next few days."

You can see more of Zoltan's images here:
Zoltan's Gallery





Joern Rohde sent us these great images from Whistler, BC! He captured these from about 22:30 to around 02:35. Thanks Joern!






Chad Steeves sent us these great pictures from the recent show. The first two are from the event on May 1, with the last being taken near Redwater.




Adam Taber sent us this great picture he captured near Whistler, BC!



Kevin Sharman took these great shots oin the early hours of May 1 from Tumbler Ridge, BC.




Last Updated ( Thursday, 02 May 2013 )
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