Sat 5 Oct 2024 01:27 MDT

Edmonton Weather

Partly Cloudy
Observed at: Edmonton Int'l Airport 1:00 AM MDT Saturday 5 October 2024
Condition: Partly Cloudy
Temperature: 4.7°C
Pressure: 100.5 kPa rising
Visibility: 32 km
Humidity: 89 %
Dewpoint: 3.0°C
Wind: WNW 15 km/h
Air Quality Health Index: 2
]]> Courtesy of Environment Canada

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Recent Aurora Pictures! Print E-mail
Monday, 06 May 2013

Things have been slightly disturbed recently. Not enough to trip our alerts, but enought to provide some great displays for nocturnal folk looking skyward. Thanks for this recent batch of images go to Bruce Smith, Matt Melnyk, Ray Mckenzie and Jon James.



Bruce Smith shared these great pictures taken on May 1-2, 2013 in the Lamont area, just after midnight.




Matt Melnyk sent these fantastic pictures taken just after 02:00 on Saturday May 4, 2013. The aerial photos are from high trip from Edmonton to High Prarie with ground pictures are from High Prarie.






Ray Mckenzie sent us this great image he captured while spotting meteors new Saskatoon on 5 May, 2013.



Jon James sent us this great picture captured on 4 May, 2013 in Turtleford, SK.



Matt Melnyk sent another batch of great images from 6th May, 2013 flying from Hinton to Edmonton around 02:00. You can see more of Matt's images here:

Matt's Gallery




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