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June image roundup! Print E-mail
Tuesday, 02 July 2013

We've been sent so many great pictures from the displays in June!! Simply beautiful images captured! Thanks go to Tigrane Diradourian, Julie Malcolm, Lars Murran, Chris Brooks, Chris Ratzlaff, Mike Scott, Matt Melnyk, Ryan Ranido, Alan Dyer, Gudrun Schulze Ebbinghoff, Jonathon Menz, Theresa Tanner, Karl Schreiner and Jeff Wallace.



Tigrane Diradourian captured a great video of the event that took place on June 1, 2013. You can see this here:

Tigrane's video (YouTube)

You can see more of Tigrane's images here:

Tigrane's Gallery.


Julie Malcolm took these terrific photos of the event on 5 June, 2013.





Lars Murran captured this stunning photo of the Aurora on 7 June, 2013 in Regina, SK.



Chris Brooks took these fantastic pictures on 28 June, 2013. You can see more of Chris's imagery in Chris's Gallery.




Chris Ratzlaff sent us this great image of the Aurora he captured north of Airdrie, AB on 28 June, 2013. To see more images, see:

Chris's Gallery



Mike Scott took these fantastic photos on 28 June, 2013 from his vantage point at Elk Island National Park, AB.




Matt Melnyk took these fantastic pictures near the Edmonton Airport and Devon, AB., with the aeiral photo from 20,000ft flying from BC to Edmonton on 28 June, 2013. You can see more of Matt's images here: Matt's Gallery






Ryan Ranido took these great pictures from North Mount Park, Edmonton, AB of the 28 June 2013 event. Pictures were taken between 0000 and 0300.







Alan Dyer took these wonderful pictures of the effects of the solar wind near Wintering Hills Wind Farm in southern Alberta on 28 June, 2013.You can see more of Alan's photos and videos in Alan's Gallery.





Gudrun Schultze Ebbinghoff captured this great picture of the Aurora on 28 June, 2013 in Calgary, AB. As he says

"I live very centrally in Calgary -- 5 minutes from the core and 15+ minutes from the nearest town edge -- so light pollution is a major factor. I had been out for a number of hours exploring good viewing locations, but it was when I finally returned home at 3am that the skies cleared and I had to put sleep off another while watching these lights ripple as if an enormous rock had been dropped into the vast pond of the night sky. Simply amazing!"



Jonathon Menz sent us a link to some of images he took of the 28 June, 2013 event. You can see them in:

Chris's Galley



Theresa Tanner took these great pictures between 2300 and 0130, East of Red Deer, of the 28 June 2013 event.






Eisa Alanazi took these wonderful photos near Athabasca on 28 June 2013.




Karl Schreiner took this great image of the 28 June, 2013 event.

Karl's Gallery



Jeff Wallace took these stunning pictures between St. Alberta, AB and Morinville, AB of the 28 June 2013 event.




Last Updated ( Thursday, 11 July 2013 )
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