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Mostly Cloudy
Observed at: Edmonton Int'l Airport 3:00 PM MDT Monday 31 March 2025
Condition: Mostly Cloudy
Temperature: 1.0°C
Pressure: 100.8 kPa falling
Visibility: 32 km
Humidity: 79 %
Dewpoint: -2.2°C
Wind: SE 24 km/h
Air Quality Health Index: 2
]]> Courtesy of Environment Canada

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Images Shared In August Print E-mail
Thursday, 12 November 2015

Here are a collection of beautiful pictures that our keen-eyed AuroraWatchers have managed to capture. Thanks go to Theresa Tanner, Lee Nordbye, Christian Hering, Bruce Smith, David Baxter, Paul Zizka, Natalia Korzhenevska, Roxanne Persson, Aslinah Safar, Tony Wong, Sean Rooney and Wayne St. Germain.

Thanks to the following twitter users for sharing your tweets: Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan), Steph Edgar (@stephedgar87), John Barnes (@Johnny_B500), Brittany Rose (@Buddhi_Brittany), Justin Wondga (@jwondga), Cheryl (@cherrychick83), Kickbuttedmonton (@Kickbuttedm), Dale Boan Imaging (@DaleBoanImaging), and William Vavrek (@williamvavrek).



Wayne Germain sent this timelapse.



Sean Rooney sent this atmospheric photo taken on August 22, around 02:00, near Elk Island National Park.



Theresa Tanner sent these great images taken on August 23, around 01:00 near Alix.





Tony Wong sent these fantastic pictures taken on August 23, around 03:00 near Elk Island National Park.





Christian Hering sent these great photographs taken on August 23.





Aslinah Safar sent these great pictures taken on August 15/16 at Queen Elizabeth Provincial Park, near Peace River.





Roxanne Persson sent these fantastic images taken on August 15/16 between 23:45 and 02:00 near Devon, AB.






Natalia Korzhenevska sent these great pictures taken on August 18, in Vilna, AB.




Theresa Tanner sent these terrific pictures taken on August 15/16 near Alix.






Paul Zizka sent this atmospheric photo (of a proton arc) taken on August 16 at Lake Minnewanka, Banff National Park.



David Baxter sent these terrific shots taken on August 16/17. (Perseid Meteor in the Big dipper!)




Christian Hering sent these terrific images taken on August 16.




Bruce Smith sent these fantastic shots taken on August 16, near Eden Lake, AB.





Christian Hering sent these awesome photographs taken on August 12/13.





Theresa Tanner sent these terrific pictures taken on August 10, near Donalda, AB.





Lee Nordbye sent these awesome pictures taken on July 27/28, July 30/31 and July 31/August 1.





Theresa Tanner sent these great photographs taken on August 7, around 02:00 near Alix.



Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-08-08. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-08-09. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Steph Edgar (@stephedgar87) shared the following on 2015-08-09. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-08-10. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-08-13. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user John Barnes (@Johnny_B500) shared the following on 2015-08-16. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Brittany Rose (@Buddhi_Brittany) shared the following on 2015-08-16. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user John Barnes (@Johnny_B500) shared the following on 2015-08-16. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-08-17. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Justin Wondga (@jwondga) shared the following on 2015-08-17. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-08-18. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Cheryl (@cherrychick83) shared the following on 2015-08-23. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Kickbuttedmonton (@Kickbuttedm) shared the following on 2015-08-23. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Dale Boan Imaging (@DaleBoanImaging) shared the following on 2015-08-23. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Dale Boan Imaging (@DaleBoanImaging) shared the following on 2015-08-24. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Dale Boan Imaging (@DaleBoanImaging) shared the following on 2015-08-25. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user William Vavrek (@williamvavrek) shared the following on 2015-08-27. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user William Vavrek (@williamvavrek) shared the following on 2015-08-28. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Dale Boan Imaging (@DaleBoanImaging) shared the following on 2015-08-28. Click the image for the original tweet.



Last Updated ( Monday, 16 November 2015 )
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