Thu 13 Mar 2025 11:11 MDT
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Light Snow and Drifting Snow
Observed at: Edmonton Int'l Airport 11:00 AM MDT Thursday 13 March 2025
Condition: Light Snow and Drifting Snow
Temperature: -6.7°C
Pressure: 99.9 kPa falling
Visibility: 15 km
Humidity: 82 %
Wind Chill: -14
Dewpoint: -9.2°C
Wind: E 24 km/h
Air Quality Health Index: 2
]]> Courtesy of Environment Canada

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Images Shared in September Print E-mail
Thursday, 12 November 2015

Amazing images that were shared in September! Thanks go to Liam Schulze, Theresa Tanner, John Andersen, Jason Caine, Peter Stahl, and Mark Chatenay.

Thanks to the following twitter users for sharing your tweets: Dale Boan Imaging (@DaleBoanImaging), Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan), Deven Arya (@devenarya), Notanee Bourassa (@DJHardwired), William Vavrek (@williamvavrek), John Barnes (@Johnny_B500), Marsha G (@Marsha31G), Bunny Houle (@wackywabbits), and VagabondExpedition (@VagabondExped).



Mark Chatenay sent this fantastic photo taken on September 8, at 02:00 at Rocky Mountain House.



Peter Stahl sent these brilliant images taken on September 19 around 23:00, at Isle Lake.






Jason Caine sent these awesome pictures taken on September 20, near Lac La Biche.








John Andersen sent these awesome shots taken on August 23, near Kananaskis Lake.




Theresa Tanner sent these brilliant photos taken on September 10, between 03:00 and 05:00 near Alix.








Liam Schulze sent this terrific photograph taken on September 3, near Fort St. James, BC.


Twitter user Dale Boan Imaging (@DaleBoanImaging) shared the following on 2015-09-01. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-09-03. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Deven Arya (@devenarya) shared the following on 2015-09-03. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-09-04. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Notanee Bourassa (@DJHardwired) shared the following on 2015-09-05. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user William Vavrek (@williamvavrek) shared the following on 2015-09-09. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-09-11. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-09-12. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-09-13. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user John Barnes (@Johnny_B500) shared the following on 2015-09-13. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-09-14. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Marsha G (@Marsha31G) shared the following on 2015-09-19. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-09-19. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Bunny Houle (@wackywabbits) shared the following on 2015-09-20. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user VagabondExpedition (@VagabondExped) shared the following on 2015-09-21. Click the image for the original tweet.



Last Updated ( Thursday, 12 November 2015 )
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