Thu 13 Mar 2025 10:57 MDT
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Light Snow and Drifting Snow
Observed at: Edmonton Int'l Airport 10:45 AM MDT Thursday 13 March 2025
Condition: Light Snow and Drifting Snow
Temperature: -6.5°C
Pressure: 99.9 kPa falling
Visibility: 13 km
Humidity: 84 %
Wind Chill: -14
Dewpoint: -8.7°C
Wind: ENE 22 km/h
Air Quality Health Index: 2
]]> Courtesy of Environment Canada

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Amazing start to the year... Print E-mail
Thursday, 03 March 2016

Here's a fantastic batch of pictures from the first quarter this year. An amazing reward for the dedicated photographers! Thanks go to Stan Deregowski, Jim Henry, John Andersen, Paul Smith, Theresa Tanner, James Parry, James Kowula, Wyatt Bronson, David Baxter, Johnny Stewart, and Mahmood Shafique.

Thanks to the following twitter users for sharing your tweets: Whitby Photography (@WhitbyPhotos), Levi Breederland (@Levisan), Mind Guk (@MindGuk), Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan), Riyaz Sharan (@ryzshrn), and AuroraMAX (@AuroraMAX_asc).



Theresa Tanner sent this atmospheric shot taken on February 16, at 11:15 near Alix.



Mahmood Shafique sent this brilliant shot taken on February 2, near Jasper.



John Andersen sent these brilliant images taken on February 2, near Nier, AB.





Johnny Stewart sent this terrific image and timelapse taken on February 2.

A 'HOW TO' timelapse can be seen here:



David Baxter sent these terrific pictures taken on February 2. The shades of red were visible to the naked eye.




Wyatt Bronson sent this great photograph taken on February 2 near Cochrane at around 22:00.



Theresa Tanner sent these fantastic photographs taken on February 2 near Alix.





John Andersen sent these fantastic images taken on February 2 near Nier, AB.




James Kowula sent these great shots taken on February 2.




James Parry sent these great pictures taken on New Years Eve and January 12.




Theresa Tanner sent these brilliant shots taken on January 19, near Alix.






Paul Smith sent these brilliant photos taken on 19 January from Wonowon, BC.





John Andersen sent these atmospheric images taken on January 19 north of Madden between 22:30 and 23:00.





Jim Henry sent these brilliant images taken in the early hours of New Years Day just north of Mundare. You can see more of his picutres here:





Stan Deregowski sent these brilliant images taken in the early morning or December 21, 2015.







Twitter user Whitby Photography (@WhitbyPhotos) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Levi Breederland (@Levisan) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Mind Guk (@MindGuk) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Riyaz Sharan (@ryzshrn) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user AuroraMAX (@AuroraMAX_asc) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


Twitter user Images By Stan (@ImagesByStan) shared the following on 2015-. Click the image for the original tweet.


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