Thu 13 Mar 2025 12:06 MDT
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Light Snow and Drifting Snow
Observed at: Edmonton Int'l Airport 12:00 PM MDT Thursday 13 March 2025
Condition: Light Snow and Drifting Snow
Temperature: -7.2°C
Pressure: 99.9 kPa falling
Visibility: 3 km
Humidity: 88 %
Wind Chill: -14
Dewpoint: -8.8°C
Wind: ENE 20 km/h
Air Quality Health Index: 2
]]> Courtesy of Environment Canada

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Wow! Sept 9 2011 images! Print E-mail
Wednesday, 14 September 2011

This weekend represented a great opportunity to witness some dazzling displays of the Northern Lights. Not only did a large storm cause a huge disturbance of the magnetosphere, but it occurred at just the right time to send out a timely alert and, importantly, it was warm weather! Thanks to the following people for sharing images (and videos!) of their observations: Ron Palmer, Bruce Smith, Stephanie Chan, Adrian Gerlich, Zoltan Kenwell, Luc Shih, Mike Isaak, Marina Ibrishimova, Peter Stahl, Davin Martinson and Olivier Du Tr�.

Keep scrolling down, we've had lots of submissions for this event!


Ron Palmer captured these great images just after 11pm in the south east of Edmonton. (click to enlarge):

To see more of Ron's work, check out his website at



Bruce Smith took these stunning images around 11pm in the west end of Edmonton. (click to enlarge):

To see more of Bruce's work, check out his website at




Stephanie Chan was in the right place to capture some great pictures of the Aurora, slightly east of Vegreville. You can see more of her pictures on her blog at



Adrian Gerlich took these fantastic images at 11:15pm in the west end of Edmonton (click to enlarge):




Not content with providing his usual stunning images, Zoltan has now managed to capture a simply breathtaking gallery of videos of recent aurora. You can see these awesome movies on his website, under 'Video Gallery' at




Luc Shih took some great pictures of the auroral display this weekend from his location in Alberta Beach. You can see them in his album at



Mike Isaak shared these spectacular images with us that he took of the recent aurora. (click to enlarge):

To see more of Mike's images, check out his blog at



Marina Ibrishimova took these great images of the aurora over Edmonton (in the city!) shortly before midnight on September 9th. (click to enlarge):




Peter Stahl captured some terrific images from his back deck in St. Alberta between 11pm and 1am. You can see them on his website at



Davin Martinson was out with his camera on Friday night and took some spectacular images of the aurora over rural Alberta (click to enlarge):

To see more of Davin's pictures, check out his website at



Olivier Du Tr� shared these marvellous images he captured on September 9th near Cochrane. (click to enlarge):

To see more of Olivier's images, check out his website at


Last Updated ( Monday, 19 September 2011 )
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